Community Partnerships
Here at AllSportsUK we are striving to create healthy, happy, and long lasting partnerships with local sports clubs throughout the community.
The aim of these partnerships is to provide as many children as possible with Physical Education and sporting opportunities over the school holidays.
Furthermore, by partnering with local sports clubs, we are knowledgeable about where and how children can continue their sporting activities long after the school holidays.
Nettleham Cricket Club
AllSportsUK have partnered with Nettleham Cricket Club (NCC), maximising the number of children we can offer Physical Education opportunities to over the school holidays. NCC is a friendly, sociable, inclusive, and vibrant club for current members and potential new members.
Their coaches work closely with players to improve their cricket abilities. Furthermore, allowing children not only the opportunity to find enjoyment from cricket which is a key aspect of sport participation, but also the opportunity to compete in cricket fixtures in all age groups against other clubs and enthusiasts.
They also have a fantastic link to the Lincolnshire county cricket, where many of their players compete in county teams for Lincolnshire.
Their junior club members will benefit from a 10% discount using the code NCC10 (must provide evidence of membership).
For more information regarding anything cricket please visit their Facebook page Nettleham Cricket Club, or contact Sam McCardell on 07791159006,
Lincoln Rugby Football Club
AllSportsUK have partnered with Lincoln Rugby Football Club (LRFC), maximising the number of children we can offer Physical Education opportunities to over the school holidays. LRFC plays a pivotal role in providing aspiring juniors to participate in rugby and see it as the great sport we all know it to be.
Furthermore, allowing children not only the opportunity to find enjoyment from rugby which is a key aspect of sport participation, but also the opportunity to compete in fixtures in all age groups against other clubs and enthusiasts.
Their junior club members will benefit from a 10% discount using the code LRFC10 (must provide evidence of membership).
For more information regarding anything rugby please visit their Facebook page Lincoln Rugby Football Club, or contact Chris Briggs on 07876872348,
AllSportsUK have partnered with Win Squash Coaching in order to maximise the number of children we can offer Physical Education opportunities to over the school holidays. The exciting part is that through this partnership their experienced and specialist squash coaches will be coaching at our Multi-Sport holiday camps throughout the summer.
Win Squash Coaching are experienced coaches providing squash coaching to all abilities and age ranges of children. Their coaches work closely with their players to improve not only their squash abilities but also allow children the opportunity to find enjoyment from squash and that’s key to children participation.
For more information regarding anything squash please visit their Facebook page Win Squash Coaching, or contact Nigel Jubbs on 07535 694572,
Lincoln Tennis Academy
AllSportsUK have partnered with Lincoln Tennis Academy in order to maximise the number of children we can offer Physical Education opportunities to over the school holidays. The exciting part is that through this partnership their experienced and specialist tennis coaches will be coaching at our Multi-Sport holiday camps throughout the summer.
Lincoln Tennis Academy is experienced in both coaching and playing tennis, they provide coaching to all abilities and age ranges of children both inside at their bubble courts or outside spread out at their local tennis clubs. Their coaches work closely with players to improve their tennis abilities. Furthermore, allowing children not only the opportunity to find enjoyment from tennis which is a key aspect of sport participation, but also the opportunity to compete in tennis fixtures in all age groups against other tennis clubs and enthusiasts.
They also have a fantastic link to the Lincolnshire county teams, where many of their young tennis players compete in county teams for Lincolnshire.
Their junior club members will benefit from a 10% discount using the code LTA10 (must provide evidence of membership). For more information regarding anything tennis please visit their Facebook page Lincoln Tennis Academy, contact Steve Wood on 07739 582533, or visit their website
Nettleham Football Club
AllSportsUK have partnered with Nettleham Football Club in order to maximise the number of children we can offer Physical Education opportunities to over the school holidays.
Nettleham Football Club recently stated “Working in partnership with AllsportsUK provides our players with an opportunity to try different sport in the holidays whilst continuing to play their beloved football at Nettleham FC”.
Nettleham Football Clubs aim is for all children to play and enjoy football in a safe and secure manner. This aim fits perfectly in like with AllSportsUK ethos.
Along with 9 highly competitive junior teams throughout the age categories, all having vast arrays of success over the years. The club also has a junior (ages 5-11) pay and play session every Saturday morning where everyone is welcome at Mulsanne Park, 9:20am to 11am.
Their junior club members will benefit from a 10% discount using the code NFC10 (must provide evidence of membership). For more information regarding anything football please visit their Facebook page Nettleham Football Club, or contact John Thornton on 07769 293064
AllSportsUK have partnered with Sleaford Badminton Club in order to maximise the number of children we can offer Physical Education opportunities to over the school holidays.
Sleaford Badminton Club has 3 missions for the upcoming years, they are:
1- To faster the growth & development of badminton in Lincolnshire
2- To enable all members & new members to actively participate in badminton in a fun, equitable, & safe place
3- To provide opportunities for skill development, improving athletic abilities, team building, and social networking.
Their junior club members will benefit from a 10% discount using the code SBC10 (must provide evidence of membership). For more information regarding anything badminton please visit their Facebook page Sleaford Badminton Club, or contact Jack Holyoak 07930 606775
Lindum Hockey Club
AllSportsUK have partnered with Lindum Hockey Club in order to maximise the number of children we can offer Physical Education opportunities to over the school holidays.
Their experienced and specialist hockey coaches will be coaching at our Multi-Sport holiday camps throughout the summer. Members of the club will recieve a 10% discount to AllSportsUK camps by using code LHC10 (must provide evidence of membership).
“The development of junior hockey players is at the heart of Lindum Hockey Club. Our aim is to provide the opportunity for young people between the ages of 5-18 to develop their hockey skills in a fun, safe, and exciting environment”.
Their junior coaching sessions take place on Saturday mornings, see what time for your aged child using this link -
For more information regarding anything hockey please visit their Facebook page Lindum Hockey Club, contact the club on 01522 716997, or visit their website